Arizona Christian Men's Fellowship
Equipping Men for Servant Leadership at
Home, Church and Community
The history of the Christian Men’s Fellowship began in 1996 at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, located at 2403 S. Martin Avenue, Tucson AZ., the late Pastor Clarence Griffin was the Pastor. With the help of God, the founders of the Christian Men's Fellowship were the late Pastor Clarence Griffin, Minister Walter Hollway, Minister Clyde Alexander, Deacon Richard Bass, Deacon David Sanders, the late Deacon Joe People and Brother Hareld Craig. During the meetings at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church the development of the fellowship was established. Due to the early start of the fellowship the host church is responsible for a complimentary breakfast to be served promptly at 8:00 AM. While breakfast is being served, a love offering is taken up in special receptacles were made by Deacon O.C. Cobb to receive the offering. A scripture was selected for the fellowship "Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" Psalms 133:1.
The purpose of the Christian Men's Fellowship is two-fold:
For men to become personally acquainted with one another.
For men to become Christian influences in our homes, churches, and communities
and assume our responsible role as required by God in His Holy Scripture.
Officers were elected:
Chairman - Brother Hareld D. Craig of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Vice Chairmen - Deacon Grady Mathis of Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church
Secretary - Deacon Ray Betton of GS (deceased) Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
Next a steering committee was organized. This committee consisted of one or more representatives from each church to plan the annual calendar for the churches hosting the Christian Men's Fellowship. Also the steering committee produced a formal letter providing in detail the procedures of how the fellowship will flow. The letter consist of the following:
Greeting to the Pastors
Name of the host church and date of the fellowship
The host church will be responsible for the lesson and a complimentary breakfast to be served promptly at 8:00 AM.
The selected theme for each lesson is "MAN'S RESPONSIBILITY TO GOD, SELF, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY".
The host church selects the teacher and location for fellowship. The fellowships are usually held the 1st Saturday of each month from 8:00am to 10:00am.
Also flyers are enclosed with the letter - reproduce and distribute to all the men in your congregation. Emphasize this announcement from the pulpit.
Throughout the year 1998 the attendance remained constant between 40 and 50 men, who represented a total of 29 churches.
In April 1999 a special fellowship was started focusing on the youth. Minister Milton Robinson, formerly of Grace Temple Baptist Church and Minster Walter Holloway were the coordinators of this fellowship. During this fellowship the youth were the speakers. One very important statement was made by the youth; "We are watching you". Telling the men we are to be good role models for the youth. The host church for the youth fellowship is Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church with Deacon Grady Mathis the coordinator.
We take the time now in remembrance of these dedicated men that contribute to establishing The Christian Men's Fellowship. They have gone home to be with the Lord:
Pastor Clarence Griffin of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Deacon Richard Bass of Gideon Missionary Baptist Church
Deacon Joe People of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Deacon Walter Sims of Siloam Freewill Church
Deacon John Blakely of Siloam Freewill Church
The Lord has richly blessed this Christian Men's Fellowship during the past 12 years; special tribute is due to so many outstanding people who have dedicated themselves to this worthy cause. To each of you, your recognition and reward will be given by God for your services. Only through your efforts, could the seed of faith now be cultivated. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!